About Us


Potters House Teaching Ministry

The Potter's House teaching ministry began in 2007, when a school of the same name was organized in the city of Sacramento as a response to the spiritual thirst of young people to know and understand the Word of the Living God. Most of the sermons and lessons in the school were inspired by the revelations and teachings that the brothers before us had learned during persecutions in the Soviet Union. Many of the brothers have already passed into eternity, but our goal is to convey the truth of the Word of God for which many of them laid down their lives on the altar.

Today, as part of this ministry, there is the Potter's House School and the Potter's House Church in Sacramento. The Bible says: “My people will be destroyed for lack of knowledge... (Hos. 4:6) The end times reveal to us that the people of God really need knowledge of the Word of God. But even more then knowledge it is a vision of how to apply this knowledge that is so crucial today. For knowledge puffs up, but a vision provides the necessary means to walk out the path of the Lord and not stumble. Everyone can receive knowledge, but only those who love the Lord with all their hearts, seek His guidance and eagerly await His return, can receive a vision of what to do with it.

We invite you on a journey through the Bible. We will meet many biblical characters, try to answer questions that concern the people of God in these end times, and also touch on topics that are rarely discussed in churches. Of course, our greatest desire is that the listeners of these sermons would discover the beauty of the Word of God, become familiar with His truth and gain the Godly knowledge that we all so need today.

You can contact us by email at admin@phchurch.org or follow the “Feedback” link located in the upper right corner of the web page. If you are in Sacramento we invite you to visit our church at 3628 Madison Ave Suite 2-4 North Highlands, CA 95660.

Schedule of services:

Wednesday 7pm - study of the Word of God;

Friday 7pm – Prayer service

Sunday 10am – Main service

Sunday 6pm – Youth service


Our Church

3628 Madison Ave Suite 2-4 North Highlands, CA 95660


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